Why is this free?
Dec 09, 2001
Just why
is this man giving away free software?
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Cold Fusion Glossary for BBEdit
Dec 09, 2001
This archive contains two folders containing glossary items for Cold Fusion developers who prefer to use Bare Bones Software's excellent text editor BBEdit to other products, or who prefer to develop on the Mac.
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Dec 09, 2001
... is a Cold Fusion tag that will allow you to set the explicit path from account root (based on the tag's physical location) or the drive path to the webserver root.
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Dec 09, 2001
... is a Cold Fusion tag that creates a 'console' to upload an image, attach it to a record, rename it with the record's ID, and if you wish to, delete it. Also displays the image currently attached to the current record, and permits for a default image where none may exist yet.
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