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Examples of Cold Fusion applications and websites...

A selection of the many web applications using Cold Fusion created by Framar Studios. Note that in most cases, that the final product was the results of a team of subcontractor working on the behalf of other companies. Framar Studio's role and responsibility is defined in the description.

Recent work...
Responsibilities: Design, HTML, Programming, Database. A commercial real estate site, makes use of the contact manager. HTML is done completely using CSS2. Total time elapsed for design and implementation of the single page and template: 1 hour 50 minutes. 100% W3C standard compliant, degrades nicely across all browsers.
Responsibilities: Programming, Database. PSL serves seniors, and makes use of the Calendar of Events, as well as Media Publisher, a sweet, flexible application for publishing articles. It's a website in a box!.
Responsibilities: HTML, Programming, Database. A realtor's site, uses the Homes Showcase, an MLS-style application designed to promote and display homes for sale. The Frequently Asked Questions application allows the user to submit a question, and the administrator to respond both via email, and by publishing the question to her site. The Contact Manager takes care of allowing the user to contact Elli, while retaining all the leads brought in from every application. It's a lean, mean, qualified lead generating machine.
Responsibilities: Programming, Database. The European Skin Care site features a Product Catalogue with a secure Commerce Engine, an Esthetician's Homepage, Services Catalog, a Contact Manager, and a Tips display.
Responsibilities: Programming, Database. Revprop makes use of a wonderful content managerment system, as well as a few form remailers.
Responsibilities: Programming, HTML, Graphics, Video, Audio.Nina Spencer is a truly wonderful public speaker. Her website reflects her breadth of talent.
Responsibilities: Programming, Database. Tidys Flowers features a full scale e-commerce solution for North American flower purcharsors, as well as a Reminder Program.

Staalduinen: FlowerPower.On.Ca
Responsibilities: Programming, Database. Staalduinen, a business to business site features a full scale e-commerce solution for North American flower retailers. The actual store may only be accessed by flower retailers with a Staalduinen account.

The early days...

Some of these examples aren't particularly noteworthy by today's standards, but I've kept them on display simply because I was proud of the work at the time. -North American Survival
One of my earliest attempts at design for an online magasine layout for a non-commercial organization.

Potential Realizations
A brochure style website for a personal and professional training company. Still going strong.

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Framar Studios. 416 531 1727 Toronto, Canada.
Real Solutions for Real Business